Devlog #10 - Where is de Mol?

Devlog # 10

Where is the Mol? Who is the Mol?

We don't know. Do you know? Please tell us. We need him to finish our game.

Let's get to business.


> Menu screen was created, with functional UI and a cool scene!

> Losing screen was created (the moles will be CRYING D:)

>Winning scene was created (will be adjusted to be more COLORFUL)

> Rock VFX for drilling was created !


With us entering our last week of polish we had to make sure that everything in the game is clear. To do this we had to make a tutorial of course! Sadly this tutorial did not make it into this weeks build :(, same goes for the popups you get when you pick up gems. 

Now for the things that you can expect in this weeks build! Moles now have different colored backpacks in addition to their helmets, The game starts after a small countdown and we finally have a main menu!!! 

We also added some smaller visual changes like a screen to the elevator that indicates how many uses it has left before it breaks, 

A drill that digs up rocks and some sparks when a machine breaks.

Files 220 MB
May 23, 2023

Get Moles In The Rough

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