Devlog #6 It's Molin' Time


Hey again. Here's the weekly update on how Moles In the Rough is coming along. A few close calls (an un-named programmer nearly corrupted the whole project) and a few dumb decisions (an un-named artist wasted several hours trying to blueprint in Unreal, unsuccessfully), but overall, things are happening in good time and with good humor.

We'll see if that lasts. Let's get into the weeds of what we did last week.



The mole character was textured with Substance Painter and their hat and its variants with the in-engine shader. Now the mole is finally not showing his bald head. 

The mole's axe has been dipped into paint and came out looking really nice. We hope the moles will be very happy with their pickaxes. 

The water cooler from last week got some nice colors painted on by the artists. The machine got its own hand made and painted logo. Now you can tap your water at the cooler. The sparkling water is still a bit broken, hopefully our technicians can fix this one.


This week we also worked on the creation of the level. We wanted to have a very modular level so we can play around with the layout and maybe in the end even make it procedurally generated as a stretch goal.  Look and behold down below our pieces to start creating the level. 


The second week of working on the gameplay was a joy. We are getting the hang of Unreal C++. For now, we refined the ladder movement and we got the Elevator back up and running. We are very happy that our technicians took care of it really quickly. 

It's also getting really hot in here, we have a blazing furnace going and keeping our moles warm. But don't forget to refuel it or it will break on you. 

Moles now cannot only move around, now they can pick up items and get to work. But they can only hold 1 at a time so make sure to only get the correct item you need and shout at your teammates to help you out. If you really need to discard an item you can throw it in the bin. But then it is lost forever. So be careful. 

Some funny highlights of this week: 

 " Bad progress is also progress" - an un-named programmer


MolesInTheRough-v0.2.rar 163 MB
Apr 25, 2023

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